Rabu, 23 November 2011
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Fudgy Spiced Oat & Nut Cookies

What do you do when it's too hot to bake? You un-bake! I made these as a treat as we had friends over and they went down very well. They're crazy healthy and low cal but taste wonderful. I'll definitely be making different flavour profiles for this recipe, its so easy, quick and yummy I'll be making it again for sure! They have a strong flavour that satisfies sweet cravings quickly and will be perfect for christmas! (can you tell I'm thinking about what to make for christmas already?- any suggestions?) Anyway- these cookies are great for with tea, as dessert or just as a healthy yummy snack. If it wasn't 35 degrees (95 F) and ickily humid I would have popped these in the oven to crisp them up but they went into the freezer to set instead. 
Fudgy Spiced Oat & Nut Cookies

Makes 75 + small cookies & 2 balls (they lasted for 3 days with 9 of us nibbling on them)
2 tbsp ground flax seeds
2 tbsp ground chia seeds
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup walnuts
1 granny smith apple (green cooking apple- not sweet)
3 tbsp raw cacao powder
3 tbsp mixed baking spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves etc)
2 tbsp Molasses
20 drops stevia
1 tbsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp almond butter
1-2 tbsp water (as much as you need to bind the mixture)
  • grind flax & chia in spice/coffee grinder
  • process oats, walnuts, flax, chia until smooth (almost like flower/almond meal)
  • core & grate the apple finely (so it's like mush as opposed to strips like grated carrots)
  • add cacao powder, mixed spices & process
  • add molasses, vanilla, stevia, almond butter and process
  • drizzle in water until the mixture balls together- (remember to scrape down the sides and process evenly so you don't end up with wet mush and dry bits!)
  • roll out the mixture to approximately 1cm ( I used a silicon mat just incase but this mixture is SO easy to work with there's no need to worry about things sticking)
  • cut out whatever shapes you like! I went with hearts but they'd work well as balls too.
  • Refrigerate or freeze for 1hr (approx.) to firm up a little OR
  • If its not hot feel free to bake them in a low oven
These are awesome no matter the texture but it's up to you. The longer they're out of the fridge in this heat the more fudgy they get- personally I think they taste great like that but they are a little harder to eat. I'm sure they'd taste wonderful baked for a short time so they're not dry. 
I hope the weather's treating you all well! Have a great day :) xxx

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