Rabu, 23 November 2011
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EAT TO LIVE-Dr Joel Fuhrman & Jillian Michaels DVD

I've been reading Dr. Joel Furhman's Eat to Live and I've decided to give a low fat plant based diet a go. It has the potential to work...I did some rough calorie counts and it ranges from 1000-1500 calories. If I supposedly need 2000 calories a day that would result in a 0.5-1kg loss per week. I've been doing some other reading that encourages an extremely low fat diet so I've decided to cut out the nuts/avocado that 'eat to live' suggests too. It isn't too different to how i'm eating now, I just need to focus on portion sizes of carbs and increase my fruit and vegetable intake. & If I can't stick to it it's not going to kill me to eat more starchy veg or whole grain carbs- better them that fats right? Sounds healthy to me. One way to find out I guess...here's a quick overview of what I'm thinking of doing. What do you think? 

Raw vegetables
1 lb

Cooked green vegetables
1 lb

Other non-starchy vegetables


1 cup

4 serves

Whole-grains/Starchy Veg
1 cup

Ground Flax/Chia
1 tbsp

Soy Milk
1 cup

Fruit Salad
2 serves fruit (2c.)
Super Salad (1lb)
Flax (1/2 tbsp) + Veg Dressing
1/2 cup Whole-grains OR Starchy Veg
1/2 cup Beans/Legumes
Cooked Green Vegetables (1lb)
Assorted other non-starchy Veg
Flax (1/2 tbsp) + Veg Sauce
1/2 cup Whole-grains OR Starchy Veg
1/2 cup Beans/Legumes
Fruit Ice-cream
2 serves fruit (2c.) + 1 cup lite soy milk
For more info check out his website

I found a dvd I'd been thinking about buying at the library the other day. So yesterday when I really didn't feel like going to the gym I did Jillian Michaels- no more trouble zones workout. I can tell you now, it's great! 
If you're looking for a workout to do at home this is a good choice. All you need is a mat/carpeted floor and some hand weights. Its a circuit based workout that goes for 40 minutes and targets your bum, legs, arms, back and core. I'm sore and tight today which is always a good sign for a new workout. I found a great new exercise from it too- surrenders they get your heart rate up so quickly and work basically your whole body. I'll definitely be incorporating these into my workouts. Give them a go and you'll get it.
Have you tried any good workout dvds? Any suggestions? I had to give up my gym membership so I'm searching for ideas. 
Hope you're all well & enjoying life! xxx

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