Minggu, 27 November 2011
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Fruit 'ice cream' & Vanilla/Lemon Cookie Dough Dip (Low Fat)

I have a funny story to share with you all. I got drenched this weekend. The last time I got that wet in my clothes was when I did my swim survival training and they made us swim with 3 layers & shoes on. The drains around my area are shocking and pretty much every road on our walk home was flooded, the water level was at the top of the cars tyres and rising. It was like walking through fast flowing streams. So by the time we got to the traffic lights the drains were already overflowing and spurting impromptu fountains everywhere, in my infinite wisdom I decided it would be a good idea to play with one of them- we were already saturated, why not have some fun? But as I stepped on it the whole manhole cover popped off and huge waves of water started gushing out from under the road over the footpath and us! Everyone cosy and warm in their cars at the lights had a nice big laugh at us as I attempted to use my bodyweight to get the concrete slab back down to where it was to stop the newly formed waterworks. Needless to say both my husband and I were doubled over in laughter at the situation and by the time the lights turned green I'd managed to get it half covered and we continued on our very wet journey home. We had wonderful fun trying to negotiate the safest rout home, climbing over things and jumping over the deepest water traps. It could have been quite miserable but it was actually a bundle of fun- I haven't laughed so much in ages :)
It absolutely bucketed it down all day and whilst it is a nice change- and the garden definitely needs it- I tend to get bored when I'm stuck in our little apartment. By dinnertime I'd had enough of reading/blogging/watching tv/music so I hopped into the kitchen for some dessert fun. I don't know about you but I love making desserts/snacks- they're always so much more fun that proper cooking that involves the mandatory vegetables.
I know it's not going to appeal to those of you who are reading this from the other side of the world (sorry!) but here it's spring I like to be prepared for the heat & humidity. This means having lots of yummy frozen treats to keep me cool and sane- because no one wants to cook and heat up the house more! I decided to use some of the frozen fruit I had stashed away for more fruit ice cream. I've done a few before, we've had the raspberry, blueberry, watermelon & mint sorbet, the raspberry & banana 'ice cream', the blueberry & banana 'ice cream' and the chocolate & banana 'ice cream'... so you can tell I like them a lot. This time I decided to use lite soy milk instead of water, its only an extra 25 cals per serve and it makes them even more delicious. I can't say enough how much I like having these as my dessert, even when I'm not dieting I eat them! And the second best bit? (the best is their flavour of course) is that they're only roughly 200 cals per generous serve. What's not to love? oh and they're one of the few ways I can get my husband to eat fruit, so I'm sure they'd work on kids and fussy eaters too :) 
Sorry about the dodgy photos- I was having so much fun making them and getting hubs to taste them that I forgot to do nice photos- but I figured pulling them out of the freezer and snapping a few anyway would be better than nothing.
Watermelon 'Ice cream'
Makes 1 big serve
1 cup frozen Watermelon
1/4 cup lite soy milk
  • chop fruit into chunks before freezing
  • defrost for 5 mins to be nice to your food processor/blender
  • combine fruit & milk
  • blend well, scraping down the sides and checking for chunks
  • enjoy with no guilt whatsoever!
Mango & Nectarine 'Ice cream'
Makes 2 serves
1 cup frozen mango
1 cup frozen nectarine
1/2 cup lite soy milk

  • chop fruit into chunks before freezing
  • defrost for 5 mins to be nice to your food processor/blender
  • combine fruit & milk
  • blend well, scraping down the sides and checking for chunks
  • enjoy!
Pear & Cinnamon 'Ice cream'
Makes 2 serves
2 cups frozen pear
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 cup lite soy milk

  • chop fruit into chunks before freezing
  • defrost for 5 mins to be nice to your food processor/blender
  • combine fruit, cinnamon & milk
  • blend well, scraping down the sides and checking for chunks
  • enjoy!
Blueberry & Banana 'Ice cream' version # 2
Makes 2 serves
2 cups frozen blueberries
2 frozen bananas (small)
1/2 cup lite soy milk

  • chop fruit into chunks before freezing
  • defrost for 5 mins to be nice to your food processor/blender
  • combine fruit & milk
  • blend well, scraping down the sides and checking for chunks
  • enjoy!
Remember the Cacao-Cookie Dough Dip? I do, I've been dreaming about it, but sadly it's all gone. Since I've decided to cut out fat I can't make another one so I decided to try a low fat version of the dip but in a different flavour profile. Everyone likes vanilla and lemon right? well we do! So I eliminated the fat (nut butter) from the recipe, fiddled with the ratios a bit and ended up with this little beauty. 
Vanilla/Lemon Cookie Dough Dip (Low Fat)
Makes 3 serves (1 pictured above)
1 cup cooked chickpeas
1 cup oats
1/2 cup lite soy milk
3 tbsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon essence
stevia to taste
  • process oats into a fine floury consistency
  • add chickpeas & process together
  • add stevia, vanilla & lemon
  • drizzle in lite soy milk whilst processing
  • remember to scrape down the sides and combine really well (its a texture thing)
  • refrigerate for 1hr to firm up (the oats absorb the milk and it gets thicker)
  • Enjoy with fruit or a spoon!
I swear, If you don't tell people things are healthy they enjoy them so much more. This is so good I'm thinking of making a version of it to have as a dip with fruit at christmas.
I went through all my recipes and divided them into low and higher fat sections to make it easier for us all to use it (yeah ok it was mainly for me since I'm cutting out fats) but I thought you might appreciate it too.
Hope you're all well & having a lovely day! xxx

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