Sabtu, 26 November 2011
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"Katsudon" Tofu, Veg & Millet Stirfry

We did the big shop today, I just love it when the house looks like a green grocers. The variety makes me want to cook and eat well- is it just me or do you find you eat better when there's lots of good food in the house? I also eat better when the kitchen is clean though so I may just be odd. The kitchen table is covered in beautiful fruit- bananas, grapes, strawberries, kiwi fruit, apples, oranges, pineapple, lemons, limes and the fridge is full of veggies- cucumbers, celery, lettuces, spinach, choy sum, mustard greens, capsicum, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, beanshoots, broccoli. I'm so grateful I have access to such great food.
Ok, recipe time. My apologies, I was so hungry I forgot to take a photo- you all know what a stirfry looks like though- millet on the bottom, veggies on the top, tofu sauce all over, yummy yummy yummy.
This was inspired by Katsudon. It used to be my favourite Japanese dish before I went vegan. The meat was never my favourite though- I used to pick it off to get to the delicious mess of sweet onions, bean shoots, egg and rice. So after dreaming about it I decided that I would try to make something similar. Now I'm not insane and would never try to convince you that tofu tastes like egg- it doesn't. But it does make a good substitute that tastes delicious in its own right! 
"Katsudon" Tofu, Veg & Millet Stirfry
Makes 1 big serve (main meal)
Silken tofu 1 pack
1 tsp rice wine
2 tbsp soy sauce
10 drops stevia
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp veggie stock powder
1/4 tsp asafoetida (If I could eat them I would have used onions- feel free to!)
2 cups bean shoots
1 bunch choy sum or bok choy
1 cup cooked millet (cook 1:3)
  • rinse & cook millet (1 cup millet, 3 cups water)
  • chop veggies
  • steam veggies over cooking millet
  • combine sauce ingredients
  • blend with stick blender
  • heat & cook off rice wine
  • Serve together & enjoy!
This really hit the spot. Its been about 2 years since I had the original so it was amazingly satisfying but I'm sure it would be equally as good any other time. The tofu sauce has that sweet onion-ey flavour without the onions so it doesn't hurt my stomach, I can tell it will be reappearing. 
The other thing I've been eating lately that I haven't snapped a pic of is lots of salads with this yummy dressing.
'Cheesey' Herb & Dijon Dressing
2 tbsp Dijon Mustard
3 tbsp Nutritional Yeast
1 tbsp Braggs organic sprinkles
2 tbsp Water
  • combine in jar by shaking
  • use over salad or steamed veggies
This keeps well in the fridge and is packed with flavour. I love the tang on dijon but if you're not so keen on it just use less of it! As always just adjust things to your taste.You know the bad thing about blogging? You feel like you need to have new recipes every day so you don't always get the chance to go back and re-make the things you really loved. Does anyone else find that?
Hope you all have a lovely day! xxx

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