Sabtu, 26 November 2011
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Spicy (3 minute) Tomato Soup & Paprika & Lemon Tofu Burritos

Today I thought I'd share my blog and let my darling husband write a post! I've taken some pics of a couple of his favourite meals so he can share them with you.
Ok. Claire told me to tell you why I like these meals and why I think you should try them. So here goes. This soup tastes great, it's really quick and easy to make and has very rich flavours that can be enjoyed with any type of bread. I like to dip a good quality turkish bread in it but any bread will taste great. I like spicy food so beware! This may be too hot for you (and is too hot for Claire!) so perhaps reduce the chilli powder the first time you make it and see how hot you like it. 
Rich & Spicy Tomato Soup
Tomato Paste + 2 cups water
Passata + 1/2 cup water
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp coriander
handful of fresh coriander
salt & pepper to taste
1/8 tsp ground cardamon
1 cup water
  • dry fry spices
  • add tomato paste/passata & water
  • bring to the boil
  • serve with fresh coriander & bread
Please feel free to experiment with different spice combinations/quantities to find your perfect 3 minute soup! Claire says feel free to add some vegetables too, even frozen ones!
This meal I eat all the time. Seriously once or twice a week. It's my favourite tofu dish, it's filling, flavourful, easily customisable (when you're out of something you can just adapt it and it still tastes great). It's also a great way to eat salad that doesn't feel like you're eating salad. It's my comfort food. Make sure you pick a good salad mix- one with lots of variety, small leaves and use good quality lemons- the real ones! no plastic juice.
Spicy Paprika & Lemon Tofu Burritos
Makes 2 big serves (2 fill me but hubs usually has 4- the picture above is 1)
300g thinly sliced fried tofu
Juice of 1 lemon & sliced whole lemon
1tsp chili flakes (to taste- this is hot!)
1 cup water
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp coriander
2 tbsp smoked sweet paprika
3 tsp 'chicken' stock powder
3 tbsp olive oil
pepper to taste
mixed lettuce leaves
fresh coriander 
green/red/yellow capsicum or baby capsicums/peppers
Multigrain tortillas
  • slice tofu in thin strips (2mm ish)
  • fry in oil (use a large pan, it will make your life easier)
  • when tofu is browned off add spices, garlic, chilli & cook for 2 mins
  • add lemon juice & slices of lemon, stock powder & water
  • simmer until the stock has turned into a thick sauce
  • chop salad
  • toast tortillas under the grill or in a dry pan
  • serve with fresh coriander and tabasco sauce (or any chilli sauce) or guacamole or nutritional yeast to taste
  • enjoy!
This recipe is easily adaptable to different diets- ie. vegetarians can add cheese, you can get gluten free wraps, you can all make your own so everyone gets what they want. Please give these a try, they're awesome- you won't regret it.
I just have to add- even if you think you don't like tofu you have to try these! They're so full of flavour that you don't miss the traditional version at all.
Have a lovely weekend! xxx

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