Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012
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The count down has begun

According to my future daughter in law, the count down has begun and the wedding is in 100 days so all I need to do to make my overall goal is lose a pound a day!  Right!  I think I would have a better shot at winning gold at the Olympics against Michael Phelps! (Just a thought!)

Yesterday started off well.  We got up early, exercised and still made it to work on time.  I was interested in going to the ladies evening exercise session but missed the step on the front porch and hyper extended my knee  almost smashing my face into the sidewalk .  I think my guardian angel was looking after me cause it was a close call.

Needless to say I went back inside, iced down my knee and took some Tylenol.  This morning my knee is stiff and mildly sore but I can walk on it.  We got up this morning at 6am and decided to work on the yard.  Most evenings we are so tired that we have no energy left.  We had a truckload of dirt delivered when the cistern had to be replaced and it hasn't been spread out yet so we tackled it this morning.  We put dirt in the flower beds, over the cistern and in low spots in the yard.  It was a good workout and nice to see something accomplished.

I weigh myself everyday and the scale is not budging this week.  I tell myself it's because I'm building muscles  and muscles weight more than fluffy fat.  I tell myself that  my body is in shock from last week's lose and has to level out.  I tell myself that the gravitational pull is stronger at my house and seems to be centered over the spot that the scale is located.  I definitely feel like the red bird on the branch above.

I'm impatient and want to see the weight drop off and leave a big  greasy spot on the floor.  It's not happening quick enough for me (not that I'm in to instant gratification....but it would be nice!)  So I'm plodding along, writing down everything I eat, only snacking on healthy items at night, staying below 1200 calories and not cheating.  I have to believe that the weight will come off.  So wish me luck I'm on my weigh.

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