Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012
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Day One of Exercise

Dear Future Self,

You owe me big time!  Last night Mr. Wonderful and I joined our Community Center's gym.  It is very small but has treadmills,  two elliptical machines,  weight machine, push/pull machines and several others that I'm not sure how to operate or feel the need to know.

I have a key so literally it's like having a membership to 24 hour fitness.  I found out that there is a nightly class of ladies that do various exercise tapes together.....everything from Zumba to Ta-bo.   I met the young lady that organizes the group (she looks like she's 10 years old but then everyone younger than me looks like they are about 10!)

As you know, I hate to exercise but I am very social.  It would be nice to have some local ladies that I can exercise with and get to know.  I know I enjoyed it in Savannah.  I made some really good friends at the ladies gym that I joined.  I also need a place that I can scream out loud and people just think I'm enthusiastic

Mr. Wonderful and I got out of bed at 6 am just for you.  We programed the coffee maker so the coffee was ready before we were.  We had our coffee and walked over to the gym together.  Mr. Wonderful is my work out buddy.  We were the only ones that had ventured out at that time in the morning.  We had a light work out (about 5 minutes on each machine) we wanted to be sure that we could still walk home and be able to go to work.  We got home at 7, showered and had breakfast, fixed our lunch, emptied the dish washer, put away a load of clothes from the dryer and started a new load in the washer.  So today marks a special day in your life....the day you finally got off your butt and started to exercise on a daily basis

You can pay me back by wearing skinny jeans and being more adventurous.

Your former Fat Self.

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