Rabu, 01 Februari 2012
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Tropical Fruit Sunday

This is one of the best uses for fruit, it's an amazingly yummy sweet cold taste of summer.
I've been eating these regularly, they make a wonderful afternoon tea or dessert and they're healthy- plus they're so pretty how can you not be happy?! Yum yum yum...
Tropical Fruit Sunday

Fruit 'ice cream'
1/2 cup Banana coconut 'ice cream'
(1 banana, 1/2 tsp coconut essence, 2 tbsp soy milk)
1/2 cup Kiwi 'ice cream' 
(3 kiwi fruit, 2 tbsp soy milk)
Fresh Fruit
1/2 cup pineapple
1/2 banana
1/4 cup pomegranate seeds

passion fruit
  • make fruit 'ice cream':
  • chop fruit, freeze fruit, thaw for 15-20 mins before blending with a dash of soy milk & essence, re-freeze for harder consistency or use as is for soft serve consistency
  • chop fresh fruit
  • assemble sunday in layers
  • pineapple, fruit 'ice cream', banana, fruit 'ice cream', passion fruit, pomegranate
  • enjoy!
Blooper! This is what happens in the Australian heat...

*EDIT* I forgot to mention you can do this with any flavour fruit 'ice cream' and any fruit- just go with what you love and is in season. You can find my other fruit 'ice cream' recipes here.

I know a few of you are a little lost on jack fruit so I'm working on a post to hopefully clear it up for you but just quickly it's a tropical fruit that you can eat ripe as a sweet fruit or unripe as a vegetable. Ripe it tastes like a cross between pineapple and banana with a stringy texture and unripe it bears a remarkable resemblance to well cooked stringy meat and has a mild flavour that lends itself well to whatever I've tried it with. Hope that helped- if you have more specific questions let me know and I'll try to answer them in the post dedicated to it.
Hope you're all well and happy,

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