Senin, 13 Februari 2012
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Mini Cacao & Orange Jelly Cakes

I've got a new addiction. I love these things... but as much as I love them I had a hell of a time coming up with a name for them! Basically if mousse, jelly and pudding had a baby this would be it. It's firm enough to eat with a fork but soft and smooth enough that you can smoosh it with your lips. Baked cheesecake texture comes to mind. It's wonderful, delicious, healthy and low cal- try it!
Mini Cacao & Orange Jelly Cakes
Makes 4 serves
4 tbsp cacao (make it as strong as you like, I suggest strong!)
2 tsp agar agar powder
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp orange essence
stevia to taste (10 serves/30 drops?)
3 cups hot water
  • boil water
  • add agar agar
  • stir to dissolve
  • add cacao & flavours
  • combine/blend well (make sure the agar agar isn't sitting at the bottom)
  • divide in moulds or cute bowls
  • refrigerate for 30 mins (they will set at room temp this is just quicker)
  • enjoy!
I give you all this yumminess for approximately 35 calories. You're welcome :)
There's a time and a place for everything, this is an everyday thing but if you're after something more creamy (and still very low cal) I like the creamyness of my tofu puddings better... but for 100 less calories and the sweet rich flavour I'll take these jelly cakes! They taste wonderful and are suprisingly filling (yay for the agar agar's fiber).
Hope you're all enjoying healthy desserts & loving your meals,

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