Senin, 20 Februari 2012
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Eggplant Curry

Being back at uni really makes you appreciate the things that keep you going- for me that would be fruit & vegetables! I get so much enjoyment from the time out from study when I get to play in the kitchen and make something yummy to fill my tummy! And sharing it with others just tops it off :)
This is one such occurrence. I ate this with green beans but I'll give you the base recipe because you can chuck any other veggies you like with it... I eat it over salad, with broccoli, peas, spinach, choy sum (asian greens) anything really.
Eggplant Curry
Makes 4 serves
2 medium eggplants
2 tbsp shitake mushroom powder
1 tsp fenugreek
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp coriander
1 tsp cloves
1 tsp cardamon
1 tin of tomatoes
1 can water
1/2 tsp aesofatida
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tsp ginger powder
stevia/natvia to taste
1/2c tomato paste
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup chopped fresh coriander
  • chop eggplant into inch cubes
  • toast spices in a dry pan until fragrant
  • add tomatoes and water
  • add & simmer eggplant until tender
  • *if adding beans/other veggies add them here*
  • when tender add lemon juice & coriander
  • enjoy!

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