Selasa, 10 Januari 2012
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New Flavours of Fruit 'ice cream'- Jackfruit, Lemon Sorbet, Banana Cinnamon, Banana Coffee Chocolate, Orange & Choc Mint Banana

Firstly a belated Happy New Year to you all! & what better way to start my new year of blogging than with some more of my favourite desserts (that just so happen to be wonderfully healthy and taste like they're not) fruit 'ice-cream'. I've done a fair few flavours before, we've had:
As always you can make it ahead of time and pop it back into the freezer for a harder 'ice cream' consistency- just remember to pull it out before dinner so it's soft enough to scoop by dessert time or eat it straight out of the blender for a 'soft serve' texture. These recipes use lite soy milk which you can buy or if you want to skip the added sugar/salt/oil you can make from pure organic soy milk (1:1 soy milk:water) I've recently switched to bonsoy and love it (making your own is less calories too!). As always use ripe fruit and they will be lovely and sweet but if you need it add a little stevia and adjust to taste.
So without any further a due here are some more wonderful fruit 'ice cream' flavours. I love fresh jackfruit, frozen jackfruit, canned jackfruit so this was the natural evolution. If you haven't tried it it tastes like a cross between pineapple and banana and has a fleshy slightly stringy texture (not that that's a consideration when you blend it)

Jackfruit 'ice cream'
Makes 2 serves
2 cans jackfruit (drained, rinsed & frozen- you can find them in asian grocery stores)
1/2 cup lite soy milk

  • chop fruit into chunks before freezing
  • defrost for 5 mins to be nice to your food processor/blender
  • combine fruit & milk
  • blend well, scraping down the sides and checking for chunks
  • enjoy! 
Lemon Sorbet
Makes 2 large or 4 small serves
2 cups frozen lemon juice
1/2 cup lite soy milk
1/4 cup Natvia granulated stevia sweetener
  • juice lemons and freeze in ice cubes
  • combine lemon juice & milk
  • add natvia/stevia/your sweetener of choice
  • blend well, scraping down the sides and checking for chunks
  • enjoy! 
This is amazingly sharp and refreshing but don't eat too much because of the acid content. 
Banana & Cinnamon 'ice cream'
Makes 3 large or 6 small serves (225 cals or 113 cals per serve)
6 bananas 
1 tbsp cinnamon
1c lite soy milk

  • chop fruit into chunks before freezing
  • defrost for 5 mins to be nice to your food processor/blender
  • combine fruit & milk
  • add cinnamon
  • blend well, scraping down the sides and checking for chunks
  • enjoy! 

Banana & Coffee Choc 'ice cream'
Makes 3 large or 6 small serves (225 cals or 113 cals per serve)
1 tsp coffee essence
1 tbsp cacao powder
6 bananas
1 cup lite soy milk

  • chop fruit into chunks before freezing
  • defrost for 5 mins to be nice to your food processor/blender
  • combine fruit & milk
  • add coffee essence & cacao powder
  • blend well, scraping down the sides and checking for chunks
  • enjoy! 

Orange 'ice cream'
Makes 3 large or 6 small serves (200 cals or 100cals per serve)
6 oranges
1c lite soy milk
1 tsp orange essence
1 tsp stevia

  • chop fruit into chunks & de-seed before freezing
  • defrost for 5 mins to be nice to your food processor/blender
  • combine fruit & milk
  • add essence if you're oranges aren't strong enough
  • add stevia to taste (if needed)
  • blend well, scraping down the sides and checking for chunks
  • enjoy! 

Choc Mint Banana 'ice cream'
Makes 1 large or 2 small serves (190 cals or 95 cals per serve)
1 cup lite soy milk
2 tsp stevia
1 banana
2 tbsp cacao powder
1/2 tsp peppermint essence

  • chop fruit into chunks before freezing
  • defrost for 5 mins to be nice to your food processor/blender
  • combine fruit & milk
  • add essence & cacao powder
  • blend well, scraping down the sides and checking for chunks
  • enjoy! 
Hope you're all well and happy! All the best xxx

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