Kamis, 01 Desember 2011
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The Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Coconut Pie

Warning: this is not low fat, I enjoy baking for others and whilst I'm still focused on a low fat whole plant based diet those around me are not! So with that in mind enjoy the chocolate. If you want a low cal & low fat version you could use the chocolate tofu pudding recipe as the filling and make a pastry with a little low fat filo pastry.
My husband thought this should be called Bounty Bar pie, but they're not vegan so I went with choc coconut. Either way it tastes divine. This was my attempt to convince people that tofu is not the enemy. I gave some to my father and to everyone at the chiropractor and of course my husband was chief taste tester along the way- it gets many many thumbs up.
Confession-  I had never made pastry before in my life. Not the regular kind, not gluten free and definitely not vegan & gluten free- I think I just like a challenge. I couldn't find a recipe for coconut oil pastry so I just looked at other recipes, changes some things around and prayed it worked. I adapted the filling recipe from the gorgeous Katie at Chocolate Covered Katie's The Ultimate Fudgy Chocolate Pie. It's too good not to try. Go on, you know you want to.
The Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Coconut Pie
Makes 8-10 Serves (it's rich, you really don't need a big slice!)
1 cup millet flour
1 cup coconut flour
3/4 cup coconut oil
Pinch of salt
Stevia to taste (I used 6 packets)
1 tbsp Arrowroot
1 vegan egg replacer (I used no egg)
Firm Tofu- 500g
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
1 big block of dark chocolate
6 packets of stevia
1/2 cup coconut oil
  • Preheat oven to 200
  • Combine dry crust ingredients
  • Add coconut oil and chop in (you can use a processor or your hands if it's not too hot
  • Bring the dough together
  • If you can feel the coconut oil melting stick it in the freezer for 5 mins
  • Roll out with extra flour & line dish/tin
  • Use your fingers to make sure it's into all the corners
  • Put in the freezer for 10 mins before baking
  • Blind bake at 200 for 10 mins (or until the edges start to brown)
  • Remove the beans & bake for another 10 mins
  • Leave to cool
  • Chop chocolate
  • Melt in bain marie
  • Add all other filling ingredients (except tofu)
  • Chop tofu & when the chocolate is melted blend/process until smooth
  • Pour into pie crust & if you have extra like me make a small pudding too

  • Refrigerate overnight to set
  • Enjoy with fruit, vegan cream, ice cream or alone.
So I know I didn't actually eat this but it smelled stunning, the kitchen was filled with rich chocolate and coconut all evening and everyone who ate is had no idea the main ingredient was tofu. Next time I make it I'd make the pastry even thinner or try another one if I didn't have to make it gluten free. But I would make the filling again even if it was alone! this little pudding of leftovers is firm enough to cut and could easily double as a cheesecake recipe. 
Hope you treat yourself to something you love this holidays season! All the best xxx

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