Minggu, 04 Desember 2011
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Vegan Christmas & Week 2- Weigh in

This week went really well food-wise. I didn't overeat, got in heaps of veggies and kept it all low fat. The only things I need to improve on for next week are drinking enough water and remembering my vitamins! My weight loss isn't what I was expecting to be honest, but thinking about it the change in my diet isn't as drastic as most people eating a western diet so my weight loss wouldn't be as drastic either. As long as it continues at a steady pace I'll be happy. The thing I have been really impressed with is my measurements. I've lost 8cms off my waist in the last 2 weeks- Yay!
Weight: -0.8kg
Body Fat: -0.5%
Waist (at my smallest point): -2cm
Waist (at my navel): -4cm 
Hips: -2.5cm
Bum: -1cm
Thigh (upper): -0.5cm
Ok, now for the Christmas vent. I was really excited about Christmas. I was (am?) planning on cooking a feast- buffet style with lots of variety so everyone will be able to find something they love. I made the menu after looking through many many recipes, I decided on the table decorations, I was going to make cute little name cards. I wanted it to be a vegan showcase. I had hope because last year I brought these salads and they went down so well they wanted recipes but perhaps it was just them being polite. 
But now my family is rebelling. 'Is Claire still vegan?' yes... ok we'll bring proper food then.
They're bringing an antipasto plate, ham, chicken, and cake. So it looks like they trust me to make... salad. Because we all know that that's all vegans eat. 
I hate this. I offer to cook a wonderful Christmas meal for my family and they don't even want to try it. How do you know you don't like things if you don't try them? I don't even want to go now. I don't want to put up a tree. I don't want to deal with the smell of meat and watching others eat. I don't want my Christmas to be that. I'm already thinking of ways to get out of it for next year. I don't want presents, as a child I never thought I'd say that but it's true. I'd prefer to stay home and cook for people that appreciate it. You know you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends- maybe I should ditch the family and invite my friends over for Christmas instead. I like that idea. A post-Christmas Christmas with friends, food and fun. 
That sound harsh but I should clarify- I've met my family less than 20 times. I grew up in the UK so I've only known them for about 12 yrs and of that we see them maybe twice a year. It's not really a normal family dynamic. 
I'm turning into a grinch. I know I need to grow up and accept that people will always have problems accepting anything different but I just didn't think it would be this bad.
I guess I just need to make food for me and not place any value in what they think of it or if they try it. I may need to make a lot of freezer & fridge space for the left overs... that's if I still do it. 
How are your Christmas plans progressing?

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