Kamis, 15 Desember 2011
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Spicy, Crunchy Green Stirfry

I used to love the food from Chinese restaurants (there are so many good ones in melb!) but since the msg, salt, sugar and fat just makes me feel awful it's been a while since I had any. The thing I've never been able to perfect is the sauce but since experimenting with arrowroot as a thickener when I was making grilled cheeze I thought I'd give it a go. I have to perfect the quantities of thickener & water but this was definitely an improvement from my usual stirfrys.
Spicy, Crunchy Green Stirfry
Before coriander
Covered in coriander
Makes 1 huge (400 cals) or 2 small serves (200 cals)
3 Bunches Mustard Greens
1 cup frozen spinach
1/2 cup frozen edamame
1 small can water chestnuts (200g)
1 tbsp soy, vinegar, lime, stock powder, arrowroot
1 green chilli
1 thumb sized piece of ginger
3 cups water? ish
  • chop veggies
  • make a slurry with sauce ingredients
  • add to pan/wok with chili ginger & frozen spinach and edamame
  • add extra water & when reduced to sauce consistency 
  • add mustard greens & cook for 2 mins
  • enjoy :)
For next time i'll be trying this with less arrowroot and less water. The sauce got too thick too soon this time so I had to add extra water but it tasted great. It was my first time trying it so I'm not going to dwell, next time I'll just use 1tsp instead of 1 tbsp of arrowroot!
Hope you've all had a lovely day. I spent mine with a great friend at the gallery, having a picnic in the botanical gardens and shopping. 
Try to enjoy the small things in life. 
All the best xxx

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