Minggu, 18 Desember 2011
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Crunchy Spiced Tofu Balls & Baked Spiced Tofu 'Ricotta' Cakes

I made these out of curiosity, they worked well, crisped up nicely and were full of flavour. I was after something crunchy but not dry that would go well with numerous different meals. I've eaten these alone, with beetroot dip (beetroot, tofu, cumin, thyme), in salads, with baked potato, in a veggie curry, with rice & steamed veg- so you can see they're a great thing to have in the fridge. I used garam masala so they have a multitude of flavours as opposed to just being spicy but I'm sure you could use other spices or herbs if you feel like something in particular.
Crunchy Spiced Tofu Balls
Makes about 24 balls
Block of Firm Tofu (500g but you only use about 250g)
1/4 cup Brown Rice flour
1.5 tbsp Garam masala
  • preheat oven to 180
  • mix flour & garam masala
  • melon ball firm tofu- they don't have to be perfect!
  • roll in flour & spice mix
  • bake at 180 for 20 mins
  • they keep well but need to be re-heated to crisp up again, if you're not fussed about that then they taste great cold too!
As you can imagine I had some holey tofu left over after melon balling it for the recipe above so I popped it in the blender with some extra flavour and baked them.
Baked Spiced Tofu 'Ricotta' Cakes
Mini heart cake
Mini bunt cake
Bunt cake avalanche... I didn't grease the tin but it still tastes good! It does allow you to see the differences in texture between the soft insides and crispy outside though.
Makes 2 mini cakes
250g firm tofu
1/4c brown rice flour
1.5 tbsp garam masala
1 tbsp reduced salt soy or braggs seasoning/liquid aminos

  • pre heat oven to 160
  • process all ingredients
  • pour into greased non stick pan
  • bake at 160 for 40 minutes
  • enjoy hot or cold!

These will rise a little and come out with a texture like baked ricotta. They taste lovely hot or cold and keep well in the fridge. I have a feeling these would work wonderfully with Italian herbs, tomato paste and nutritional yeast- they're on my 'to cook' list...which is growing faster than I can cross them off! 
I hope you're all well and smiling :) xxx

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