Senin, 19 Desember 2011
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Mixed Berry Crumble

Dessert time! I made extra topping because this works with whatever fruit you have. Apple would be a great addition as would pears, but you get the idea. So now I have a little jar of sweet oaty cinnamon topping to use as a sprinkle or crumble topping or in baking- quick, easy and inspiring for when you want something a little special.
This was my first low fat crumble attempt- I was happy with the results but the other half thought it wasn't sweet enough, so if you have a sweet tooth feel free to add some sweetener to the berries. The other thing I'm going to try to perfect is the consistencies, there was a little more liquid than I would have liked and the topping was more chewy than crunchy so there will be another version coming soon. I need to stress I really really enjoyed this version but I'm just after perfection. 
Mixed Berry Crumble
Avalanche of serving
Close up of the filling- see what I mean about too much liquid?
Makes 2 large or 3 small serves
2 tbsp cinnamon
stevia to taste
1 cup rolled oats
2 cups frozen mixed berries
1 tbsp arrowroot to thicken- this needs tweaking, needs more- or the liquid to be drained. It taste awesome but the textures just aren't quite right yet, still worth a try though!
  • thaw berries overnight
  • add arrowroot & mix well
  • process oats, cinnamon & stevia until they're more like a flour
  • add topping to the berries and push down well
Next time I'm going to drain some of the juices that come out when the berries are thawed and cut a banana through the topping to hopefully make it more crunchy and less chewy.
Also I've added photos to my recipe page so you can see what you're looking for, not just have to try and remember the recipe names. Hope it helps!
All the best xxx

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