Minggu, 06 November 2011
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Dolmade, Mint & Pine Nut Salad

I'm still here, still gymming it up and trying to get all my work done. 2 assignments to go before the holidays! I can not wait. Vegan MoFo really took it out of me. Perhaps committing to it at the pointy end of the uni semester wasn't the best idea but still- it was great fun and I've found so many new blogs to read. I'll still do it again next year!
I've been too scared to weigh myself because I haven't been counting calories. I've avoided binging but I have been so rushed with my meals and possibly eating out of habit I haven't been listening properly to my hunger cues. Since I made it a month without binging (yay) I've ordered Dr Fuhman 'eat to live' and hopefully I can dive into it after my assignments are done and make some changes. I'm considering cutting out salt and processed fats (olive oil/coconut oil) and just sticking to seeds/nuts and avocados. Sugar is still out obviously but I think I need to stem my addiction to stevia- its messing with my pallet. 
Dolmade, Mint & Pine Nut Salad
Handful of fresh mint- chopped
3 Dolmades
Mixed Lettuce leaves
2 tbsp toasted pine nuts

  • wash & dry leaves & mint
  • toast pine nuts- keep an eye on them, they burn so fast
  • chop dolmades & combine
This isn't a recipe, its an ingredient list! I love how easy salads are and this one is so full of flavour. It doesn't need a dressing because the dolmades are so moist and the mint and pine nuts give it such intense flavour. Unfortunately I think the store bought dolmades have onions in them (oops!) so my tummy wasn't feeling so great after but I'm on the look out for vine leaves to make this dish safe for me. 
Hope you're all well & happy x x x

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