Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011
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VeganMOFO-12-Cravings & Sundays


Cravings- the thing that I get asked the most about being vegan by non-vegans is don't you crave the food you can't have? Easy answer- NO! I don't crave meat or dairy or eggs. The only time they look edible is when I'm either STARVING (as in have skipped 4 meals) or not eating properly weather its variety or quantity (malnourished...not often). I know when I start looking at meat that something's wrong. So the best advice I can give any vegans that are struggling is take a good look at your diet and make sure you're getting everything you need to be strong and healthy. Make sure you're having healthy, wholegrain carbs, good fats (seeds, nuts), enough protein (pulses, legumes, beans, soy, nuts) and an array of fresh fruit and vegetables!
Having said that, sometimes there are dishes that you want for emotional/taste reasons rather than actually 'craving' them and you can always veganise them! For example I made a vegan banoffee pie recently. There are lots of alternatives to butters/creams/eggs and substitutes you can use- anything's possible if you just give it a go :)
Bootcamp was especially tough today. I wasn't feeling well, threw up during the warm up but kept at it... felt better after that. I think dinner was bad- hubby isn't feeling great either :S good thing I didn't cook. Be warned- even take out vegetables can hurt you!
BOOTCAMP - 17/10/11 (6 degrees c!)
Warm up
Running the length of the bball court and walking back
2 x easy
2 x harder
2 x 75%
2 x 90%
2 x 100%

Sprint drills over 1/2 court & walk back to start
3 x kick bum
3 x high knees
3 x straight legs
3 x high skips with arms

Circuits- 1 min stations- as many as possible of the exercise with 1 min rest.
Corner 1- Medicine Ball 4kg- Squat and throw into fence as high as possible
Mid (Sprints)- Forward to the net, backwards to the base line, forwards to the service line, backwards to the base line etc.
Corner 2- Burpees
Corner 3- Push ups
Mid -Ladder- 2 feet in each section as fast as possible & walk back
Corner 4- Star Jumps

Corner 1- Medicine Ball 4kg- Throw into ground as hard as possible
Mid (Sprints)- Forward to the net, backwards to the base line, sideways to the net and back the other way sideways.
Corner 2- I forget- sorry... one out of 18 isn't bad!
Corner 3- Plank
Mid -Ladder- 1 foot in and 1 foot out as fast as possible & walk back
Corner 4- Alternate leg lunges

Corner 1- Medicine Ball 4kg- Shoulder press
Mid (Sprints)- On the spot as fast as possible
Corner 2- Mountain Climbers
Corner 3- Sitting with legs at 90 degrees against fence
Mid -Ladder- 1 foot out 2 feet in 1 foot out traveling across as fast as possible & walk back
Corner 4- Bounds- 2 foot jump as far as possible (using arms)

Boxing- with partner (do each set and switch)
(10 normal punches) x 3
(10 normal, 10 high, 10 uppercuts) x 3
HARD- (2 normal, 2 upper, 2 hooks) x 6

Since I've decided desserts should be a part of my life I've been enjoying my cute new dish and making sundays! 
Strawberry Sunday
Using this blueberry & banana 'ice-cream' recipe + coconut milk & chopped strawberries- too easy!
& the slightly more decadent:
Corn-flake & Choc Avo & Berry Sunday
Using the same ice cream as above with the addition of chocolate avocado mousse (which was this recipe + sunflower seed butter & cornflakes for crunch! 
These are perfect for me- no fuss, just pull things out of the fridge & freezer and assemble.
Hope you're all well and happy :) xxx

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