Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011
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VeganMOFO-11 & Veggie Pesto Slim Pasta

Restaurant reviews- I would give you specific reviews of my fave places but that's not really going to help those that don't live in Melbourne, so instead I'll give you an all round review of what I like to eat when I go out. 
Some good options (obviously dependent of the place) are:
Edamame- healthy and somehow they always taste better out...
Eggplant Sushi- sesame seeds, eggplant, marinated veggies, rice, seaweed mmmm
Green Gyoza- veggie dumplings :) always a good choice
Tofu Steak- marinated, usually grilled or fried with salad/veg
Vegetable Noodle Soup- Veggies, tofu, noodles, more filling than the above and usually big enough to share!
Japanese Salads- Seaweed, pickled radish, carrot, vinegar, sesame seeds
Eggplant Chips- Heaven. Lightly crumbed and deep fried heaven. 
Flat bread & Dukka- Spices and nuts in oil to dip the fresh wood fired bread in.. mmm
Chickpea, Orange & Nut Salad- Sweet salad. Perfect in warm weather, eaten on the balcony over the river in the CBD.
Char-grilled Vegetable Pizza- Thin crust, wood fired.
Tomato based sauce pasta & veg- always good at Italian places
Veggie Burgers- They vary- the ones at lord of the fries or the butchers at the beach are the best. You'd be surprised how helpful the butchers are, I love finding nice open minded people.
Lord of the fries Chips- Skins on beautiful- the only chips I trust and eat occasionally. For those of you in Melbourne do yourself a favour and get the sample size- its the smallest but big enough! Good things taste better in small doses.
Asian mock meats- Avoid the 'seafood', go for mock 'beef'/'pork'/'lamb'- or if you like smoky flavours duck. Most sauces will have stacks of sugar and salt so go easy and avoid anything that isn't a natural colour.
Stir fried rice noodles, veg & tofu in soy sauce- Thai, just make sure you ask for no egg and no fish sauce. 
Monkey Head Mushrooms & Mixed Vegetables- Best mushrooms ever! I can't find them anywhere- if anyone knows where to find them in Melbourne please let me know!!
Melbourne has a Veg good food guide which is a wonderful help with choosing places to eat- I suggest you look for one similar for your city.
Bootcamp today was deep water running. I was still in agony from Wednesday so i'm sure I could have done better under different circumstances. But all in all its a great workout. We did sprints and apnea drills and lots of running, I was pleasantly surprised by the intensity of the workout. My arms, core and legs are all dead & my lungs are aching. Here's hoping it helps my cardio fitness!
Veggie Pesto Slim Pasta
Using this vegetable pesto recipe and some extra nutritional yeast and oregano this dish is super easy and yummy. Slim pasta + broccoli + Veg Pesto + nutritional yeast = Delish (& only <300 calories!) This is a really light pasta but its satisfying and yummy- I tend to have things like this when the other half is having huge bowls of gluten filled oily pasta and it keeps me happy and full. I love broccoli, if you have another fave veg just sub it in and enjoy!.. it works well with zucchini strips too come to think of it.
Hope you're all enjoying the little things in life- I did, I had a wonderful time meditating floating in the water today and stretching out my sore tight muscles in the spa. Who doesn't love bubbles? 
All the best xxxx

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