Senin, 06 Agustus 2012
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Everyone has body issues

I had to laugh at this poster of fruit and what they might think about their body image (if fruit could think and talk).  It seems no one is content with their bodies and we all tend to focus on the one of more traits that we don't like about our bodies. 

Being a woman "of traditional build" (translated extra large woman) it's easy to focus on the negative and forget all the good work I've already done.  Today we were up at 5:30 am, I thought we were going to work out at the gym.  Mr. Wonderful had an email he needed to send and one thing led to another till it was too late to work out, shower, and get to work on time.

We compromised and worked in the yard.  I bought some shade loving plants yesterday so we planted them before it rained.  They added much needed color to our little white nest.  Mr. Wonderful bought me some solar lights to put in the little container garden of flowers at the edge of the yard so he activated them and placed them in the garden.  I'm looking forward to seeing how the garden looks at night now. 

I was still disappointed when we came in from the yard so talked my exercise buddy (Mr. Wonderful) into doing a one mile walk in our living room with a Leslie Sansone's tape.  He was surprised to see how much of a sweat the one mile walk generated.

I'm trying to focus on my good physical aspects instead of negative ones.  So here goes:

1.  I have a great smile, it makes my face light up and always gets a positive response from others.
2.  I have gorgeous blue eyes (especially if I'm wearing blue).
3.  I have great ear lobes (nice and skinny).
4.  I have a small frame, small wrists,  delicate hands with long fingers.
5.  I have beautiful silver hair....(I told God I could do silver but not grey!)

Well, that's it.  I was trying to come up with 10 but I'm ok with these 5.  It can only gets better!

Wish me luck, I'm on my weigh.

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