Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012
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Did I tell you how much I hate to exercise?

I hate to exercise.  I hate being sweaty, smelly, and having sweat roll into my eyes.  I hate that I'm short of breath climbing the stairs, and that my joints ache every day whether I exercise or not.

I hate getting up early in the morning to accommodate an exercise program .  Do you know what you get when a" morning dove" marries "a night owl" ?   You get a couple where one of you is always grumpy no matter what time of day it is.   Mr. Wonderful is my morning dove.  He functions better in the morning.  He's more rested, chatty and more inclined to take on a new challenge.  Since I'm the one initiating all these changes I'm also the one who has to accommodate him since he's the one doing me the favor.  He gets up happy and singing, "Good Morning Lord, " I get up grumpy and irritated saying," Good Lord is it morning?"

We got up later than usual this morning (which translates into not enough time to walk over to the gym and exercise )so we walked in front of the TV for two miles with Leslie.  Leslie Sansone is a Christian and a lovely lady but a little bit of Leslie at 6:30 in the morning rates high on my" just a little too perky for me "radar screen. However, at my current rate of fitness being upright and breathing is about all I'm able to sustain.

We both survived the 2 mile walk and that mad dash  that follows of showering, dressing, making breakfast and lunch, filling water bottles and making it to work.  Did I tell you that I hate to exercise?  Daily exercise is just so daily!

Exercise just for the sake of exercise is boring.  Give me a tree to cut down, dirt that needs to be moved or a train you have to run to catch.  At least when you finish you have something to show for it and bragging rights.  When you say, I walked away the pounds someone will surely inform you that there are quite a few that didn't get the memo and have taken up permanent residence on your back side.

I hate to exercise.  What do you wear to exercise?  You don't want tight fitting clothing  and let's face it all your clothes are tight fitting or you wouldn't be exercising in the first place.  I won't wear shorts as I don't want to traumatize anyone else working out with me. ( I understand therapy can be very expensive!)  Does anyone ever look good while they are exercising?   I always have wet stringy hair, flaming red cheeks, flaring nostrils, sweat soaked t-shirt, and  puffy cellulite infested thighs and butt cheeks largely protruding from my too tight for exercising pants.  Not a pretty sight!

Did I tell you how much I hate to exercise?  Just thought I'd mention it.  Wish me luck I'm on my weigh to exercise.

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