Minggu, 05 Februari 2012
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Original, Cacao-Orange Date Paste & Lemon Date Paste

These date pastes can be eaten straight as a dessert or as an accompaniment to one, used as a sugar substitute in any recipes (obviously use the one that would work best with your recipe- sweet or savoury) & work wonderfully in baking as well as simply a sweet dip with fruit/biscuits. Bonus, they take minimal effort, about 3 seconds to make and keep for ages! 
Original Date Paste
3 cups medjool dates (pitted)
2-3 cups hot water (approx) to soak dates
  • pit dates
  • cover with hot water
  • soak dates overnight
  • blend date & water mixture until a smooth paste forms
  • enjoy!
  • keeps well in the fridge/freezer

Cacao-Orange Date Paste
1 cup date paste (dates + water blended)
1/2 cup cacao powder
1/2 tsp orange
pinch of salt
  • pit dates
  • soak dates overnight
  • blend date & water mixture until a smooth paste forms
  • add orange essence & cacao
  • combine well
  • enjoy!
  • keeps very well in the fridge & freezer

Lemon Date Paste
1 cup date paste (dates + water blended)
1 tsp lemon
pinch of salt
  • pit dates
  • soak dates overnight
  • blend date & water mixture until a smooth paste forms
  • add orange essence & cacao
  • combine well
  • enjoy!
  • keeps very well in the fridge & freezer
These make a great alternative to sugar/sweetener in both sweet and savoury recipes and are so much better for you! Plus, even picky people can't detect date or try and pick them out. Give them a try!
All the best,

p.s. I set up a foodbuzz... not sure how it all works yet but I'm trying! You can find it here

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