Senin, 26 Desember 2011
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Week 5 Weigh in & Changing Internet

I have good news!(and not so good news) Good news first- I managed to hit my goal weight for Christmas :) I weighed in a day early because I was curious to see my pre and post christmas weights and guess what- they were exactly the same! I managed to have a wonderful christmas, enjoy 2 desserts and not gain any weight. I can not tell you how happy I am with my progress. I feel great, I know I have a long way to go still but breaking it up into mini-goals really helps. This feels like a life plan to me- effortless weight loss instead of killing myself then overeating.
Week 5 Weigh in:
Body Fat %: +0.1%
Neck: -0.5cm
Bust: -1.5cm
Waist: -0.5cm
Hip: -0.5cm
Bum: -1cm
So now for the not so good news. The internet's been a bit dodgy of late and we need to cut costs (ah the joys of being a student) so we're switching internet plans. Unfortunately this means that we could be without internet for up to 2 weeks! fingers crossed it's shorter. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it to be honest, but a bit of technology detox could be a good thing. So I'll see you all in 2 weeks I guess. I'll keep taking photos of my meals and hopefully I'll have lots of yummy recipes to share with you & some weight loss results to share when I get back. I've still got all my summer Christmas recipes (lots of yummy salads, pasta bake and some yummy desserts including coconut 'fudge' & a low fat version of the cacao cookie dough dip that we had with fruit) to share and I'll give you a re-cap of how it all went when I get the net back.
Hope you all stay well and happy :) 
All the best xxx

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