Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
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Lentil, Quinoa & Vegetable Juice Pulp Loaf & Sweet Potato Coleslaw

You know how when you make juice you're left with pulp that seems too good to chuck out? I try to bake/cook with it. If you don't have juice pulp taking up space in your freezer like me just use veg puree or grate some veg (carrots, sweet potato, celery etc) and use it in its place. I made a little loaf with it the other day- it's crispy on the outside but moist on the inside- almost chewy but dense and amazingly filling (thank you protein+fibre). It's a rather sweet savoury loaf because of the juice pulp but my taste buds seem to be highly sensitive to sweet and salty at the moment so it might just taste normal to you? Depends what you eat I guess. 
Lentil, Quinoa & Vegetable Juice Pulp Loaf
Look at the beautiful crispy bits!
And the dense moist centre
Makes enough for mini loaf tin (pictured below) and flan tin (pictured below) or 5 serves
1 cup cooked green lentils (any would be fine, or even beans or chickpeas)
1 cup cooked quinoa
1 cup juice pulp- we had carrot, apple & celery was what we had but whatever works
2 tbsp millet flour
1 egg replacer (no egg or flax egg)
1 tbsp soy sauce (reduced salt)
2 tbsp tomato paste (no added salt)
1 tbsp mixed herbs

  • cook lentils & quinoa
  • preheat oven to 180
  • mash lentils but don't over-mash, they still need some form
  • combine all ingredients well
  • use non-stick bakeware- you can spray with oil or line with greaseproof paper if you're worried, but mine turned out fine without
  • bake at 180 for 1hr (30mins for the flan)
  • enjoy warm or cold
  • this recipe freezes well (just remember to slice it before freezing!)
Served with Rosemary roast Pumpkin, Potato and Coleslaw
Flan & Coleslaw

Sweet Potato, Lettuce & Celery Coleslaw
(using the tofu 'mayo' from The Happy Herbivore Pg 271)
Makes 3 large serves
1 medium sweet potato
1/2 head lettuce
4 sticks celery
freshly cracked black pepper to taste (Lots!)
1/2 quantity of silken tofu 'mayo' from The Happy Herbivore Pg 271 (silken tofu, lemon 
juice, vinegar, stevia, dijon mustard)
  • grate sweet potato
  • finely chop celery & lettuce
  • combine well- use less mayo than you think you'll need and mix well- trust me, a little goes a long way!
  • enjoy as a side dish or alone- it's good enough :)
This kept ok in the fridge but the mayo separated a little so next time I make this I'll only dress as much as I want to eat and keep the rest in a jar. 
I really enjoyed this. I can't suggest you try it enough. I like the coleslaw so much I've actually decided I like sweet potato raw more than cooked and it's better than carrot!
Hope you're having a lovely weekend xxx

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