Selasa, 15 November 2011
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Tofu Scramble- The Happy Herbivore

You know the funny thing? I've been looking forward to my holidays for so long, but now they're here I feel useless! I feel lazy only doing one thing at once and not having to rush and plan and work. I think it might just take some adjusting!
I decided to put my spare time to good use and crack open some of my new cook books! The Happy Herbivore
 is one of my faves- I've already mentioned it in my mofo cook book post but I can't say enough how glad I am I splashed out and got it- I've even pre-ordered her next book- The Everyday Herbivore & can't wait! 
I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and have breakfast on the balcony. I don't usually bother to set the table or go outside when I'm eating alone but since I've been trying to practice kindness it's become a nice treat.
Tofu Scramble from The Happy Herbivore pg 18
I can't follow a recipe to save my life.. I did alter it slightly... I had
1 cup fresh spinach from the garden- 2 minutes from plant to plate!
1/2 small head of Broccoli
2 Mushrooms
Pinch of aesofatida instead of the onion and garlic components of the recipe
Double quantity of dijon mustard because I love it
Parsley- because its good for you and because it's growing so well :)
Things I liked about this recipe:
The 'cheesy'ness
The hint of cumin
The texture of the tofu
The fact that this is perfect for lunch and dinner as well as breakfast
Things I wasn't so keen on:
erm?... nada. It was wonderful and has become a regular meal for me. You should all try it- it's super easy and great for you (& low cal and filling!)
I've decided to give the blog some much needed attention and make a pretty header for it, keep your eyes peeled, hopefully it will look good *crosses fingers*
Hope you're having a great day xxx

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