Selasa, 20 September 2011
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Bamix & Foodstuff

First the fun stuff- I got spoiled rotten by my darling husband, granted we've been saving for aaages (2yrs?) and have gone through two crappy hand blenders to get here but still- I feel very lucky. I finally have  a bamix hand blender! :) Its awesome! so much more powerful than the others and has a great cord that doesn't get in the way and its own stand so you don't make a mess everywhere and you can take the blade out so you can clean it properly- what can I say, I'm so excited! I've already used it in drinks and desserts and soups- love it!
and since we were there I got a couple of bowls that match ours but are a different size and a baby cake tin to bake appropriate size desserts for us! (because our freezer is just not big enough for the left overs of a full size cake) and hand in hand with that is the cute green dotty mini cake/biscuit tin to keep them fresh- because we all know cakes shouldn't be put in the fridge right?! oh and a new speed peeler because I managed to break the old one- the blade went flying and now resides behind the fridge!

Alrighty now for the foodstuff- I've been reading up on the FODMAPs diet to manage IBS. Thanks to some wonderful bloggers sharing their experiences (Sarah from welsh girl eats & Elise from Hungry hungry hippie) it's seeming more and more like the way to go. To be honest any improvement sounds good to me! So I've begun restricting things/eliminating things and I'm feeling much better already. I'm a little annoyed that no doctors have brought it up before but I'm once again SO thankful to the blogging world for sharing this with me. 

Having said that I am a little uncertain as to how this will fit in with my other attempted restrictions. Its looking like I'm ending up with a combination of restrictions... (low not no because I'm not perfect) low carb, low fat, low sugar, low gluten, low processed foods, fodmaps, vegan, seasonal- where possible, organic- where possible, raw as much as I can... so I try my best, but when I inevitably stray from my ideal eating plan I can't help but let it affect me. I was thinking of possibly giving myself permission to have one day off a month, or one treat meal a week or something because I can't work out how to let go just a little bit all the time. I need to find a way to be ok with messing up without losing all control and binging or allowing it to turn into an excuse to mess up again. I've made it 119 days without binging today but I must confess I'm still not 100% in tune with my hunger cues and I'm still working on not overeating...if you don't know the difference trust me, you don't want to. One is insane and the other is a bad habit. If you have anything that you've found works please let me know?!
Ok that's quite enough of that. I hope you're all having wonderful days full of things that make you smile :) xxx

p.s. I've signed up for VEGAN MO FO!!!(vegan month of food) You can look forward to some healthy, yummy vegan weight loss recipes- general cooking/lifestyle tips & product/book reviews. I know you're jumping in your seats- can it be true? Claire's finally committing to blogging more?! a minimum of 20 posts in October! shock horror! :P

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