Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012
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I've become a stalker

Today was one of those rare weekends that we didn't have some responsibilities out of town or a volunteer group to accommodate.  We have been getting up early 6am and working in the yard because of the heat.  We slept in today (7 am) had a leisurely breakfast and started on work in the yard and garden around 9.

We got so much done today.  It was amazing.  We shoveled the mulch pile in the trailer and mulched all the flower beds, and under our big shade tree where the grass refuses to grow.  Mr.Wonderful actually put the the fire pit together (a project that has waited about 2 months).  We finally got our dirt pile spread out over the cistern and in the flower beds and garden.  We put out grass seed over the cistern and then put straw on top and watered the whole thing.  These are projects that we have been meaning to do for quite a while now.  Usually we are working on the weekend or we are too tired when we get home from work.

While we were putting the fire pit together I noticed a "woman of traditional build" ( code for a large woman) slowly jogging up the long drive way to a house that is empty now.  We live next to a highway and even though we live in a small "Mayberry-esque " town there are cars that like to speed through town.  There are no sidewalks so there is really no good place to walk.  I've jogged, walked, wheezed and crawled up that same drive way myself looking for a safe place to exercise.  The woman was jog/walking with a young boy.  I watched them till they came back down the road and then I followed them to see where they lived.. Turns out that they are neighbors and live two houses down.

I have been looking for an exercise buddy and God dropped one in my lap.  I promptly walked over to her house, introduced myself and asked her if she was looking for an exercise buddy.  Talk about being out of my comfort zone!   I found out that they are members of the New Hope Community gym also.  I asked her if she knew about the nightly exercise classes  for women there.  She did not know about them even though she knows the instructor well.  So long story short I've got a date, I'm walking over to her house on Monday and we'll walk over together to check out the class.

We've lived in New Hope for 10 years now and I've finally met one of my neighbors and we may turn out to even be friends.  God is good all the time and knows our needs even before we do.

Wish me luck I'm on my weigh, and with a new friend in tow.

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