Minggu, 29 Juli 2012
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conquering the weekend

Well, I'm back and it was a really good weekend, all things considered.  My mom is a casserole person and believes everything can be frozen and reheated numerous times.  I told her before coming that we were trying to not eat anything processed but just meat, vegetables, fruits and salad.

She surprised us with  delicious pork ribs, green beans, and fresh cherries.  It was great!  She did make "Glutton" free cookies (if only!).  Mr. Wonderful has a gluten sensitivity but it always make me laugh when she calls them glutton free. 

I read that a little self-talk is helpful when facing temptations of red flag foods.  Instead of saying "I can't eat that" (which leaves you feeling deprived) say "I don't eat  that" (which leaves you feeling in control.)  It actually does help.  I didn't eat any of the cookies even though I was left alone with them on several unguarded moments.  When tempted I was able to go eat some cantaloupe or cherries which satisfied my sweet tooth.  I also knew my friend and mentor was praying for me and didn't want to let her down.  I went to bed by 10PM Friday and Saturday, knowing it was best not to stay up with all the baked goods left unguarded.

Saturday morning started out well.  I usually do the cooking.  I had a triple berry shake and two bacon strips.  We had a lot of running around to do that day as mom can no longer drive and has us running all over town to do the things she can't do.  While shopping at the grocery store I started feeling really weak and started breaking out in a cold sweat.  Mr. Wonderful got me some string cheese that I ate while shopping.  It helped a little but I still felt bad and sweaty.  We bought some Kefir at the market so I drank some of it at the car.  It has more protein and good bacteria than yogurt.  Again it helped but only for a short time.  I carried a banana in my purse when we stopped to shop in another store.

The store was really hot and humid and I found myself standing in front of the fan feeling like I might actually pass out.  Fortunately I found a place to sit down outside (which was cooler than the store) and ate my banana .  By then I had my mother and Mr. Wonderful really upset and asking me what was going on with me.  I think my blood sugar was low, later when writing down my calories I found out I had only eaten about 180 calories and not much protein.

I took my BP when I got back to mom's.  It was good but my pulse was only 51.  I rested at home while my mom got her hair done and ate my normal lunch of tuna and hummus with vegetables.  By mid afternoon the episode had passed and I had no more problems after that.  Mr. Wonderful complained of a headache and my stomach had felt somewhat "ishy" that morning so we are wondering if we had a "touch of something".

Just in case I am carrying a packet of nuts and granola with dried cranberries, yogurt covered raisins,glazed walnuts and dried blueberries in my purse.  After writing down and looking up calorie counts I'm consuming around 1200 calories.

Today went without a hitch.  I had a breakfast shake but this time I had one with more protein and more calories.  I took in about 300 calories this morning.  Once during church I thought I might be getting that same sinking feeling but praise the Lord it left without incident.  * I'm highly suggestible so chalked it up as advanced hysteria!

I'll weigh in the morning but it should be good news.  Where are those chocolate chip cookies?  Down in the man cave and not resting on my hips or backside.  This was a major break through so I'm definitely on my weigh. 

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