Minggu, 11 Desember 2011
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Eating out in Melbourne- La Camera & Chocolate Buddha

This weekend was one whirlwind of Christmas. Still not feeling it though, no tree, no cards written yet. The situation with the family Christmas is at a standstill- I tried talking about it but apparently I'm the one who's done something wrong? Yes, apparently I need to be tolerant of others and just cook meat. As if that's happening- so I'm just bringing whatever salads my father tells me to, which will mean my Christmas dinner will  be salad with a side of salad? Nuts to that, I'm contemplating bringing a lunch box of yummy vegan food for me and hubs who's decided to eat with me as a show of support :) he makes me melt sometimes, the man who hates vegetables is offering to eat my food because he knows it's going to be one hell of a day. Big big love right there.
Christmas number 2- Apparently (yes I say apparently because they ditched us twice last year) so apparently we're having the mother and brother in law over on boxing day now so I have to work that one out... just a little background- my MIL is insane, depressed, paranoid, rude, just completely emotionally draining so it will be a challenge, but one I'm always up for to see my brother in law! he's the most gorgeous teenage boy you've ever met. The other positive is that since it's at our place I'm cooking! mwahaha healthy vegan food for everyone :) 
So back to our weekend. It was spent xmas shopping, yes the entire weekend.. and shopping is exhausting! We shopped in the city both days of this weekend and spent hours and hours walking round the cbd (aka hills). Yummy fuel was definately needed and we decided to treat ourselves to a couple of favourites.
For Saturday's lunch we went to La Camera on southbank- I got the vegan salad, it's a fave and comes with walnuts but I asked for it without because I'm trying to limit the fats (prolly should have asked for no sunflower seeds too but hey ho, next time). This salad is sweet, fresh and filling and the perfect choice for a sunny summer day eating on the balcony overlooking the river.
My other half got a pizza the size of his arm which was also good- lovely thin crust and good quality toppings but not too many! they have a vegan pizza too which I've had in the past and is well worth a try. If you're in Melbourne this place is a great option for yummy, cheap meals :)
The next day we decided to go Japanese. Sunday's lunch was from Chocolate Buddha in federation square. I love this place, it's more expensive but not too bad. The portions are small which is a good thing for me but not so much for hubby so he just orders extra rice and is good to go.
We ordered the tofu steak (his but I had a couple of bites), steamed spinach, edamame, toasted rice & green tea, hubs got sparkling blood orange juice, the chicken something or other and extra rice... shame, he was going so well without meat. Ah well, you win some you loose some. Vegan 98% of the time is better than nothing if you ask me.
Tofu Steak with watercress- awesome! Will definitely be ordering this one again
Spinach, a fave that I haven't had for a while and it's sweeter than I remember but still delicious.
I was impressed to see that there was tamari on the table along side the soy sauce & they have a whole gluten-free menu so if you're gluten free this is the place for you!
I got my all time favourite, a nice big bowl of edamame. I don't know how they do it but they taste way better than when I cook them at home. I always get them without salt though- you really don't need it.
Tea! I love tea, really love tea. Our kitchen shelf looks like a tea shop. This particular tea was so good we bought a nice big tin of it. It's Gen Mai Cha Sencha from T2 the best shop in the city (in my totally biased opinion). The toasted rice gives it a nutty flavour that is unlike any other green tea I've ever tasted.
It's clean but strong with a warming well rounded flavour that is more akin to food than tea. If you get a chance you should definitely try it!
Apologies for the pathetic iphone photos- better than nothing though right? I hope you all enjoyed your weekend & are looking forward to Christmas more than me! All the best xxx

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