Senin, 10 Oktober 2011
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One of the challenges of being vegan is finding a way to balance things with those in your life who are not! Dealing with living with an omnivore can be tricky at times but it can definitely be done. Despite the differences you can share a kitchen happily- you just need to work out where you stand on things like sharing cutlery and crockery, separate or shared washing and what you feel comfortable having in the fridge/cupboards. Everyone is different but having a simple discussion with the people you live with will help you tremendously. Personally I'm happy to share cutlery and crockery with my husband because the only thing I have to watch for is cheese, when I'm cleaning say the cheese grater I'll just rinse it well before I wash all of the dishes. But for those who aren't ok to share having your own distinct dishes will eliminate the issue- as long as you make it clear to the people you live with that this is the vegan plate please don't use it. 
The other (slightly anti social) option is eating at different times. If you really don't like smelling their food cooking then you can always eat in shifts and just have something that doesn't require cooking like a salad with them. 
The fridge can be easily separated, just go for separate shelves or limit the meat to below your food so there's no accidental contamination. The other option is putting your stuff in zip lock bags or tupperware containers- especially if you have careless flatmates. 
Bottom line- Don't sweat the small stuff. Do what you can, make your wishes clear and enjoy your food :)
Silverbeet Slim Pasta
1 packet angel hair style slim pasta
2 tbsp nutritional yeast (1 in sauce 1 on top)
2 cups chopped silverbeet leaves
1 cup passata
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp chardonnay vinegar
ground dried paw paw seeds
2 tsp nuttelex
  • chop silverbeet
  • combine all other ingredients (except slim pasta) & simmer
  • boil water
  • rinse slim pasta well
  • cook for 1 min only
  • add silverbeet to sauce & cook for 2 mins
  • add cooked patsa to sauce & silverbeet
  • top with nutritional yeast & enjoy!
I think its clear I'm addicted to this stuff. Its a little more expensive than regular pasta and a lot more expensive than rice noodles but when you want to shrink it always looks like the best choice. You need to make the sauces you use thick because some water is released after you serve it. No biggie but you just need to keep it in mind. 
ok, time for uni and assessments- what fun. 
Have a great day! xxx

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