Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011
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Today I shall be rambling a little about portable vegan food and what to do when you're stuck.
Packed lunches are always a great idea. The general plan of grains + vegetables +  protein + fats is a good one. So for example some of my favourites are rice, broccoli, edemame & almonds with soy sauce; quinoa, lettuce, chickpeas, tomato paste with olive oil; millet, bok choy, tofu, sesame oil. You get the point... I found that if I leave out the fat or protein elements it doesn't seem to fill me up for very long. 
The other easy meals on the go are smoothies! I know it may not seem like an obvious choice but as long as you have a thermos or bottle that won't leak you're good to go :) On that same note soups are great, chunky or smooth, hot or cold you can make them in batches at home and just grab them and go.
If you find yourself in a pickle with nothing to eat the things you can grab and eat from the shops easily without cooking are always an option. So fruits and veggies (fresh and dried), nuts, healthy bars, tinned foods like baked beans, canned corn, chickpeas and rice crackers are my usual options. You can always find something. If all else fails there's always original potato chips or corn chips!
I hauled myself up for bootcamp again today. It was a spin session (exercise bikes), sprints, tabata intervals to finish killed me. Legs are so sore... but I didn't burn as many calories as yesterday..700 and something is still good though. I had a nice long walk to cool off afterwards but I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow! I'm exhausted... I wonder how my work will suffer :S

My obsession with slim pasta continues... I got 6 more packs of the 8 cal per serve version :) so I can make more of my satay-ish slim pasta! yum yum yum
This time I made another pasta dish with them... What a yummy failure...
Not that you want it but in case you're interested this was:
1/2 can tined toms
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
2 tsp nuttelex
ground paw paw seeds
sage (couple of sprigs)
oragano (small handful)
1/2 cup marinated mushrooms (blended)
1 packet (2 serves) slim pasta (thin style)- only cook for 1 min!
2 protein burgers
8 olives
1 cup peas
The protein burgers disintegrated- nuts! the sauce tasted better before they fell apart. Next time I'll dry fry them and add them at the end... ah well, they can't all be winners. It tasted good, just looked a bit too watery. Funnily enough it looked fine when I served it but the water seemed to leech out. Strange.  
Hope you're all well and happy :) xxx

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