Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011
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Liebster Blog Award


To quote the wonderful Michelle at lovinlivinvegan who was kind enough to give me this award- "Liebster" is German for 'dearest' or 'beloved' but it can also mean 'favorite'. The idea behind this award is to bring attention to blogs with fewer than 200 followers and show some support.
Thank you michelle! Everyone should go check out her blog too!
Here are the rules for winning this award.
1.  Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2.  Reveal 5 of your top picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3.  Post the award on your blog.
4.  Enjoy the love and support of some wonderful people on the www!

So here are my picks! I love reading them so I hope you do too :) Go check them out.
1. Food Feud at FoodFeud
3. Rachel at Grim Confetti
5. Geanna at Green Vegan Living

Ok that was far too hard because you're all amazing..enjoy some great new reading! xxx

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